
What are You Reflecting?

When I married Roger, I learned there is a whole new time of day I had rarely experienced:  Daylight. He’s all about getting up early. My family, on the other hand, is all about staying up late.  I grew up in a family of night owls.  They are the noon to midnight crowd.

We have all competed in a lot of rodeos over the years and I guess noon to midnight fit that schedule better.  We would take turns driving through the night to reach the next destination.  If you needed someone to talk to at 3 a.m., my mom was the one because she would still be up.  In later years, my brothers could call my mom until about 3 a.m. and then my husband by 6 a.m.  Between 3 and 6?  Well, you better have a good radio station to keep you company.

Roger is a hunter and hunters love to be out when the sun is just peaking over the horizon.  I have learned to love this peaceful time of day.  All the possibilities of  a new day with new experiences and new hope ahead.  It is a good time for thoughts and reflection.  The water of the ponds is perfectly still and reflect whatever is nearby.  We too reflect in our lives what we keep close by;  our friends, what we choose to read or watch.

What are we reflecting in our own lives?  Are we reflecting the love of God?  Are we reflecting peace and joy?  Are we reflecting God’s likeness?  If not, we should be.  We should be coming before His throne often so that we KNOW Him and can reflect his glory.

In 2 Corinthians 3:17-18, Paul writes:

Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.  And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into his likeness the ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit.

Fill your mind and your heart with God and His reflection will be seen in you.  (And don’t call my mom before 10 a.m.—love you mom!  🙂

Spur Daily with Love,


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