These Boots…

Best Cowgirl Boots
These boots were made for riding..
We love using horses on our ranch. Having an ATV to help carry supplies, put out mineral or check a mama trying to calve is wonderfully quick and efficient on the ranch. Roger and I often load up our dogs, Sadie and
Bonnie, and drive through the herds. When our kids were little we had to have one to seat five and spent many afternoons checking cattle. The kids liked to name the calves based on their markings. We had one they called “Makeup” and more than one “Blackie!’
We also use horses for cattle care. We like that part of our ranching heritage. When we get to saddle up a good cow horse, like our Ladd or Beau, and quietly ride through the cattle or move a whole herd, it is a satisfaction like none other.
Our Beef and the Land, the decisions we make regarding mode of transportation, nutrition, tools and technology all come down to one question:
“What is best for the cattle and the
We love them both. It’s a privilege to wear the boots of a rancher. And I don’t mind if mine have a little color.